Finally Take Control of Your Health with the 30 Plants in 7 Days Challenge

Supercharge your gut health, boost your energy, improve your mood and feel empowered to make lasting change in just one week—without giving up the foods you love.

Tired of Feeling Bloated, Drained,
and Confused About Gut Health?

You’ve heard all the hype about probiotics, but they didn’t work. You’ve tried to “fix” your digestion, yet you still feel bloated, sluggish, and like you’re missing something. It’s frustrating, and you deserve better.

This challenge isn’t about giving up meat or taking endless supplements. It’s about feeding the good bacteria, already living in your gut, with real food. When you feed the good ones they can crowd out the bad ones.  Just like when you want a lush green lawn, you fertilize it so the healthy grass crowds out the weeds.

You’ll feel empowered, knowing you’re building lifelong habits that will keep your body strong and healthy—no gimmicks, no smoke.

Why This Challenge Works (Science + Benefits)

The American Gut Study shows that the more plant diversity you eat, the healthier your gut becomes. Your body already has the bacteria it needs—now it’s time to feed them the right foods! With a variety of plant foods, you'll:

  • Improve digestion—experience more regular, consistent poops (goodbye, constipation and gas!)

  • Increase energy—say hello to more energy that lasts all-day

  • Strengthen immunity—a healthy gut means better protection against illnesses

  • Spend less on supplements—by feeding your gut the right way, you rely less on expensive pills

  • Feel in control of your health—know exactly what to do to feel better, long-term

Can it really be this simple?

The truth is …maybe. It all depends on how you are feeling now. If you have had gut issues for many years, you will likely have to do some killing off the “bad” bacteria, healing the gut lining and relearning healthy habits. ( I teach all this in my Supercharger Your Gut program) but you will still need to improve the amount of vegetables you eat. So why not start here and see how much it helps, get some momentum then move on to more healing if needed?

In Today's world, there is a lot of talk about Gut Health but many people want you to believe that it is much more complicated than it really needs to be. It can be a simple as starving the bad and feeding the good.

In case you are wondering about how to starve the bad, they love sugar, so reducing your sugar intake is also a great idea, but we will talk about that in the challenge.

But what if...

I’m Not Giving Up Meat?

You don’t have to. This challenge isn’t about going vegan—it’s about adding more plant foods that your gut bacteria love. Healthy bacteria need good, healthy food to thrive, and by eating a variety of plants, you’ll also get a variety of vitamins and minerals that your body craves.

I Don’t Have Time for This?

The 30 Plants in 7 Days Challenge is simple and takes very little time. You’ll get easy-to-follow steps, a handy checklist, and the flexibility to fit this into your busy schedule. Plus, it’s free!

My kids, husband (or myself) don’t like veggies or won’t eat them?

You’re not alone! Many families struggle with incorporating more vegetables into their diet, but the good news is, the 30 Plants in 7 Days Challenge isn’t just about eating plain veggies. There are so many delicious ways to include plant foods into meals without anyone even realizing it! You can easily add veggies to smoothies, soups, sauces, and even burgers. Plus, this challenge includes all kinds of plant foods—fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains—not just veggies.

I have a lot of foods that I can’t eat...

I completely understand. In fact, I’ve been exactly where you are. At one point, my list of foods I couldn’t eat was as long as my arm—but here’s the good news: Today, I can eat almost anything I want! This challenge is designed to help you discover all the amazing plant foods you can eat, even if you have dietary restrictions.

You’ll have the flexibility to focus on the foods that your body tolerates well, and you can still thrive while improving your gut health. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I’m here to guide you through it!

I know I should eat more vegetables, but when I do I feel worse

That is not your imagination, we should chat.  If you happen to have something called SIBO Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth. Probiotics or fibre (Vegetables) can make it worse and we might need to do some healing first, especially before eating too many raw vegetables or the Brassica family (broccoli or cauliflower)..  It is important to listen to our bodies and adjust our plans accordingly.

Join by September 29th and
Get Access to a Live, In-Person Training!

Sign up now and get an exclusive invitation to a live training session where I’ll personally guide you through the challenge, answer your questions, and help you achieve real results. Plus, with the fall harvest in full swing, now is the perfect time to take advantage of nature’s bounty.

About Yvonne

Hi, I'm Yvonne. I’m a Gut Health Coach for frustrated women who can’t figure out why they’re bloated, tired and struggling with their digestion.

I help you stop looking like you’re 6-months pregnant, get out of the bathroom, & enjoy your life without drowning in over-the-counter medications or living forever on a restricted diet.

I used to get so constipated that I couldn’t stand up straight, with cramps that made me feel like I was in a non-stop 15-year pregnancy. No matter how many medications or supplements I took, it just never ended. And it showed! I had to wear baggy, loose, long tops because I would suddenly get so bloated that there was no way I could keep my pants done up. Then when things started to “move”, they would not stop and I would be stuck in the bathroom for HOURS.

I suffered with this severe IBS until one day I was lucky enough to meet a very kind ER nurse who suggested that my aunt (& my gut issues) would benefit from a Natural-pathic doctor that specializes in gut health. My life forever changed after that day. Thanks to the beautiful heart of a complete stranger.

I suffered with this severe IBS until one day I was lucky enough to meet a very kind ER nurse who suggested that my aunt (& my gut issues) would benefit from a Natural-pathic doctor that specializes in gut health. My life forever changed after that day. Thanks to the beautiful heart of a complete stranger.

I decided to quit my family's multimillion dollar business and become a health coach. Unlike my classmates, I knew exactly what kind of health coach I wanted to be, I wanted to be a gut health coach and help people improve their digestion and finally have normal bowel movements. My digestive issues and dependancy on a having a bathroom close, kept me playing small, in health, in life & in business.

I searched and searched until I found a training and protocol that was proven, 1000's of times over, and TREATED the ALL the root causes of our gut issues. Not just putting bandaids on them!!!

I LOVE learning, we can never learn too much, but learning is only part of the equation, the important, missing part is DOING. Our habits must match our goals to achieve the results we want.

I want my clients to have the energy, focus and commitment to crush not just their health goals but the business & life goals as well. That is why I took what I learned from studying with Bob Proctor and have combined health coaching and life coaching together. We can not separate the physical body from the emotional body, we are all ONE and need to work on both. Our emotional trauma is part of what has created the physical issues.

Now I use my experience to help you. It’s time for you to take back control, understand the root cause of your health issues. and break free of the chains that are holding you back.

Don’t wait—your health is too important!

This is your chance to empower yourself with the knowledge and tools you need to transform your gut health and feel better than ever.

Sign up now for the 30 Plants in 7 Days Challenge and take the first step toward a healthier, more energized you.

Plus, join by September 29th for access to our exclusive live, in-person training where I’ll guide you through the entire process.

Sign Up Today and Take Control of Your Health!


Copyright © 2024 | Yvonne King | All Rights Reserved


Imagine if you... had the energy and mental clarity to build a business that funds your RETIREMENT and pays you to TRAVEL without, being on an embarrassing

RESTRICTED DIET, experiencing crazy BRAIN FOG or constantly worrying about where the BATHROOM is!

here are 3 ways this workshop will change

your life forever:

Life changer #1

The #1 Variable that your DOCTOR is not telling you, that will help you 10X more than taking that disgusting FIBRE supplement or the Probiotics that


Life Changer #2

The bulletproof

3 STEP SYSTEM, that you can apply NOW, to have vitality and ENERGY at work and home without living on a restricted diet FOREVER.

Life Changer #3

What, HEALTHY FOODS are creating inflammation & BRAIN FOG and making it hard to FOCUS on your business and making you look 6 MONTHS PREGNANT.


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Yvonne King